Refund Policy

If you do not wish to keep the items you ordered because they are no longer suitable, please see the guidelines for our refund policy below.

 For any reason, you may return your things in their original, unused, and unopened packaging within 14 days for a full refund because we want you to be entirely delighted with your purchase. Simply write "Return-To-Sender" (RTS) on the package, and the mail service will deliver the package back to us.

 Once we can confirm your order is on the way back to us, we will be able to issue a refund. It is advisable to acquire a postal receipt or send the items back via recorded delivery as we will not be able to issue a refund for lost or un-trackable items.

 Whether you are returning the goods back to us via the Post Office, or a collection has been arranged, please make sure that some identification is included within the package and email us so we know to expect your package.